29 Apr

Physicians are medical doctors who usually focus on the non-surgical treatment of patients. These kinds of doctors collaborate with other healthcare professionals to promote public health and provide treatment for a range of diseases, injuries and conditions. The physician term is generally used as a catch-all term for medical professionals who have earned a medical degree. If what you are looking for is to become a physician, then these are the best physician jobs that you should consider.

Best Physician Jobs in 2024

A physician is a general term for a doctor with a medical degree, there are many specialties these medical professionals can choose to work in. Here are some of the most sought-after jobs and best physician careers that are worth keeping in mind. 

  • Family Medicine

This is one of the most in-demand medical specialties in 2024. Family medicine focuses on general healthcare for people of all ages, from newborns to seniors. These doctors treat colds, help manage chronic illnesses and work with patients to prevent health problems. Additionally, family medicine physicians treat people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. It is quite common for these professionals to work in underserved, rural, and urban areas, sometimes as locum tenens, where there is limited access to primary care.

  • Psychiatry 

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health, including substance use disorders. They are qualified to assess both the physical and mental aspects of psychological problems and treat people for concerns such as panic attacks, hallucinations, anxiousness and hopelessness. As they are, in fact, physicians, they can order or perform a full range of tests, laboratory or psychological, which are combined with discussions with patients to help provide a picture of the person's physical and mental state.

  • Internal medicine

Internal medicine physicians are specialists in adult medicine and are experts in complexity as they manage severe long-term illnesses and help patients with multiple, complex chronic conditions. Because of this, they tend to have life-long relationships with adult patients and their recommendations and treatments are based on each patient’s unique situation. 

  • Emergency medicine

This medical specialty prepares and equips doctors with the skills and knowledge required to treat and care for people with needs that are life-threatening or take urgent care. The patients can be of all age groups with a full spectrum of physical and behavioral disorders. The practice of emergency medicine can even extend beyond emergency departments, as these acute generalist clinicians can have diverse roles in hospitals and the broader healthcare system. 

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology 

This is a specialty that is concerned with the care of women from pregnancy until after delivery and with the diagnosis and treatment that involve the female reproductive tract. Not every obstetrician also acts as a gynecologist, and vice versa. These can be two separate specialties and one combined as well. 

  • Salary prospects

When it comes to the physician salary, and the highest paying physician jobs, there’s good news to share: the salary continues to rise for most specialties. This includes compensation for self-employed physicians and full-time locum tenens. As always, it’s important to note that income depends on various factors and can also change due to economic conditions. However, all in all, the outlook for physicians’ salaries is looking very promising.

How to Choose the Right Physician Job

After taking a general look at the best jobs available for physicians, you may be confused as to how you can choose the one that’s perfect for you. The truth is that there are no right or wrong answers here, you need to consider certain aspects in order to get closer to knowing what you really like and want. 

  • Determining Your Medical Specialization

In order to get clear on what medical specialization you want, it is important to evaluate your interests and passions. While it can be helpful to receive external opinions at times, you must prioritize your personal goals. So, consider what you enjoy right now and what might continue to challenge you and spark your interest for years to come. Don’t forget to be flexible: changing your mind is normal and expected and you never know where new interests might take you. 

  • Exploring Various Physician Job Settings

Getting an idea of what the daily grind in a particular job is like is a good indicator of how comfortable you may be there. Researching what specific specialties entail and what their daily responsibilities are can be of great help. An excellent way to collect information is by reaching out to professors, professionals and even fellow classmates to learn through their experiences. It‘s also worth asking yourself if you’d prefer a quiet setting like an office with routine and structure or the hustle and bustle of an emergency room. 

  • Assessing Professional Development and Growth

As you are trying to decide what job to go for, you need to consider if a profession that offers you room to grow professionally is one of your priorities. Having the opportunity to advance in your career is incredibly beneficial but you may be trying to test out a specialty before you get set on it. If the answer is yes, you need to keep this in mind throughout the whole decision-making process.

How to Become a Physician

Becoming a physician isn’t an easy path, but it is definitely not impossible if that’s what you really want. You need to keep in mind some basic requirements that are essential to any physician. 

  • Steps to become a physician

To become a physician, it is essential to take some necessary steps. You need to start by graduating from college with an undergraduate degree, passing the Medical College Admission Test exam and applying to medical schools. Then, you need to complete your medical degree, take your licensing exam and undertake a residency program. After that, you can obtain a license to practice medicine in your state and earn additional certifications. Finally, after all this, you can prepare your resume and cover letter. 

  • The importance of continuing education and professional development 

School is hardly ever where education ends. As a medical professional, it is key to keep up with all the new information that constantly appears so that you can care for patients in the best way possible. That’s why additional certifications and courses are a huge asset for physicians.

Importance of Physicians in Healthcare

Physicians play a major role in the healthcare industry. They are multi-faceted professionals and they are trained to provide leadership in developing and supervising the patient’s overall health plan.

  • Patient Care

Patient health is at the core of the physician's work ethic and they aim to deliver excellent levels of care. They advocate for patients and their families and they help them navigate through a very complex medical system to obtain the most patient-centered care in a cost-effective manner. They also educate the patient, offering resources with information that they can use to make informed decisions on their treatment plan. 

  • Medical Expertise

Physicians require much knowledge and specific skills in order to care for patients. They are required to manage complexity and risk in situations that, oftentimes, are uncertain and changing. Their expertise in diagnosis based on judgment is another key aspect of what makes an excellent physician, as they need to be able to collect all the information given to come up with answers. 

  • Collaboration in Healthcare Teams

In addition to all that’s been mentioned, they collaborate with other medical professionals from other specialties in order to provide the best diagnosis and treatment possible. They act as a leader when it comes to working as a team to care for the patient’s needs.


Physicians are extremely important for the healthcare system and for the overall health and well-being of patients. In order to choose the physician job that best suits you, it is important to take into consideration some aspects that can be really helpful when deciding what specialty to go for.